Monday, December 18, 2006

Tell It Brother King!

Good evening and welcome to another edition of the Reverend Larry King Live. Tonight, as usual, I'll be speaking in bullet points.

  • My communion bread of choice is Triscuit Crackers. They're delicious, they're wafers and if they're good enough for Sandy Duncan they're good enough for me.
  • My sermon this week will be "Smokey and the Bandit and the Gospel". The Bandit? Jesus of course with that crazy sidekick Cledus - obviously the apostle Paul. 400 cases of Coors? Water into wine. Big and Little Enos Burdett as the Pharisees. Carrie? Mary Magdalene. Don't miss it. We'll be East Bound and Down.
  • For my money there's no better comedian working today than Morey Amsterdam.
  • Wait... my producer is telling me something..... I'm Jewish? No matter, if that Joel Olsteen guy can claim to be a minister so can I.
Editor's Note: The God, Guitars and Lager staff would like to apologize for the content of this post. Attempts at humor will not be tolerated as we're Really Quite Sure that God doesn't want us to have a good laugh from time to time and that mindless tripe and whimsy will be dealt with severely come Judgement Day.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Wait, is it "Lutheran" to laugh at things from the Bible? LOL

Anonymous said...

I see you've now returned the "favor" of getting 'East Bound and Down' stuck in my head. Thx. Now I have to go find the mp3 someplace.